Monday, March 28, 2011

Little Moments

May I try to capture the moment...Pandora always helps because it makes me feel like I'm living a music video. In the absence of rain or cloud cover, the sun shines through our living room window morning until evening; only the angle changes. I have a heap of laundry I am trying to fold, a baby in a bouncer and a toddler in ballet shoes - or "dance swippers" as she insists I call them. John Mayer is tearing up an amazing guitar solo on Pandora, the sun is shining in, Kyla is dancing around pausing only to help me play "peek-a-boo" with Seth who is content as can be. I get my laundry folded and think, "wow, being a mom is awesome- I think I'll blog about this!"...

The day ended like this:

That was about 2 weeks ago. Being a mom is awesome, and busy! I finally had time to look up the General Conference talk I was thinking about when I gratefully experience my little moments of awesomeness in mommyhood. Elder M. Russell Ballard says:

"The first question: What can you do, as a young mother, to reduce the pressure and enjoy your family more?

"First, recognize that the joy of motherhood comes in moments. There will be hard times and frustrating times. But amid the challenges, there are shining moments of joy and satisfaction.

"Author Anna Quindlen reminds us not to rush past the fleeting moments. She said: “The biggest mistake I made [as a parent] is the one that most of us make. … I did not live in the moment enough. This is particularly clear now that the moment is gone, captured only in photographs. There is one picture of [my three children] sitting in the grass on a quilt in the shadow of the swing set on a summer day, ages six, four, and one. And I wish I could remember what we ate, and what we talked about, and how they sounded, and how they looked when they slept that night. I wish I had not been in such a hurry to get on to the next thing: dinner, bath, book, bed. I wish I had treasured the doing a little more and the getting it done a little less” (Loud and Clear [2004], 10–11)."

I figure that's pretty fitting as its General Conference weekend. We actually watched a few sessions here at the Hadley home. Kyle set up a projector he borrowed from work, and Kyla kept herself busy playing and dancing during the musical numbers. For about 60 seconds the four of us sat together peacefully on the couch. Another little moment! I look forward to reading the talks. I made mental notes to read specific ones later as I missed crucial parts thanks to a protesting baby boy.

And Happy 1 month to my baby boy. May we have many more precious little moments!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Cuties in my tummy.

While protesting bedtime, Kyla insisted she take a cutie clementine "ni-night" with her. I peeled it and said "why don't you put it in your tummy and bring it ni-night that way." I turned around for a minute and when I looked back she was stuffing them down her shirt. "They're in my tummy mommy."

I did need a good laugh tonight, that saved her from some harsher tones for sure. Little stinkin' girl. (Literally. She let one rip at story time - all the moms looked at her then at me. I just shrugged thinking "wait for it." Then the smell hit... what do I feed that girl!)

Daddy got her a scooter and helmet. Its just her favorite! Good job daddio!

And genuinely, I give a shout out to my friend Darcy who stopped by with fresh bread and dinner this afternoon and ended up taking Kyla swimming with her kiddos so Seth and I could take a much needed nap. I pretty much cried with happiness.

And a quick shout out for all those who have brought yummy dinners! Thank you thank you!

Monday, March 21, 2011

My Little Darlings

Do I blog about how darling my kiddos are or how tired I am? Not much else going on around here. No new books, or crafts or projects. I did clean Kyla's bathtub today. Seth was sleeping and Kyla was watching Diego so I sneaked off to bleach that nasty tub. My brother Brett (who NEVER returns phone calls) made true the "never say never" saying. I ended up with the phone in one hand, a lathered up scrubber in the other and soon Kyla was screaming "MORE DIEGO!" which of course woke Seth who also commenced screaming. Didn't get much farther on cleaning that bathroom. How does this work? We'll get it I'm sure.

Seth is 2.5 weeks old already! I forgot how fast it goes. He is 10 lb 2 oz as of his 2 week appointment.

Kyla is a wonderful older sister. She is a great helper. She holds him and throws diapers in the garbage and washes his hair during bath time.

Its RSV (whatever that is) season and kiddos aren't allowed in the birthing center so Kyla didn't get to meet Seth until he came home from the hospital. She saw him on Pop's phone in the waiting room. She was very excited.

When she met him, she didn't miss a beat. "Baby bruther. Shhhh, he's sleeping." She was so sweet!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

But I feel like a WALRUS... (how to have a vbac)

Seth Rueben Hadley
born 3/3/11
9lb 6oz
22 in (mostly head)

This is how he got here:

To preface, my little Kyla...

...was born 10 days late. At the last minute doc determined her to be an a breech position. I know, they tell me this when she is 10 days late! She was born later that day via cesarean. I was told at the time I could have a vbac and have been hoping for one since. I always felt robbed having never even felt a contraction with my first pregnancy.

Now back to this pregnancy and little Seth.

At my 38 week appointment the doc says "You are a ZERO!" or something like that - referring to dilation I hope.

At 39 weeks - still ZERO. At this point I learn that doc will not induce labor. If I do not go into labor on my own by 41 weeks I will have a repeat cesarean. I rallied and advertised the conditions of my pregnancy through town and on Facebook.

A few of you had some suggestions - Castor oil, walking, Black and Blue Cohash, Red Raspberry Tea, spicy foods, horse back rides, bumpy car rides, Olive Garden Dressing, Essential Oils, warm bath, sit on the washer, vacuum, and "danger, don't do it!" Oh, and Sex of course was a hot topic. To those physical suggestions -like walking- I say "But I feel like a WALRUS!"

Nevertheless, I engaged in at least half of these activities. These things showed up magically at my home - thank you friends!

I walked into my next appointment feeling great, confident even.

At 40 weeks - still ZERO!!! No more appointments for me. I was scheduled for a c-section on March 4 which would be 41 weeks. I gave up. Even asked if I could just schedule it for the next day. Thank goodness they didn't let me. But, for the next few days I felt like this:

Tuesday March 1, I woke up with contractions. Hope. I started up again drinking Raspberry Tea, walking, and using Clary Sage. For two days the contractions stayed between 7 and 20 minutes apart. Thursday at 2:30 am my water broke. Thrilled! Kyle convinced me I needed to go to the hospital even though contractions were still 7 minutes apart. We got there by 4:30. Dilation 2. No more ZERO's!!! Kyle hung in with me while I labored til about 11:30 and they made me get an epidural (vbac rules I guess) which I didn't want, but am so happy I had! It was wonderful; I could still feel and even move my legs and feel contractions, but the intensity/pain was gone. I started pushing at about 6. They let me rest for awhile with my leg propped up and at about 7 doc came in and said if I wasn't progressing by 7:30 he needed to do a c-section after all. Seth wasn't loving all the laboring I guess. Usually, this would've crushed me and I would've given up. Somehow (through faith and prayer) I let it roll off my back thinking "We'll see doc, we'll see." Kyle helped me and I pushed and I pushed and Seth was born at 7:29. I am so grateful to have experienced birth this way! Recovery has been amazing in comparison to the former.

I have been able to hold Kyla and Seth and at the same time, which would've been impossible following a cesarean.

I love my little family!