I have a couple quirky little phobias. Most of them started as childhood dreams.
For instance, because of one dream, I have an irrational fear that my arms will be bound above my head in the produce section of a grocery store and people will come by and tickle me at will. The apples and onions just stand by and let it happen.
In another dream fell off the back of a cruise ship into the middle of the ocean. I was reaching for my Pound Puppies (remember those?) but couldn't reach them. I just kept sinking and sinking.
A couple Christmases ago we had to cross Seattle's I-90 bridge after a huge snow storm. I spent the drive to the bridge planning how I would get us, especially Kyla, out of the car
after if it slid off the icy bridge and into the frigid water.
I have a huge fear of drowning, not so much myself anymore, but my kids. So during our family reunion having not been able to find Kyla, I went straight down and spent what seemed like ages scanning the lake horrified I would find her there. What a relief when I heard my name and three precious words "We found her!"
She had wandered out of our cabin area, through a swing park, past a huge ball field and up into a tree house. She was just playing with kids from another group camping there. My social little girl is always surrounding herself with friends. We'd called for her, but apparently two-year-olds don't respond when called. Thank you to her Grandma for finding her!