We are trying something this November.
Enter Thankful wall.
It's only the 3rd. Give it time.
Kyla and I had a talk over breakfast on November 1. It went something like this:
Me: Kyla, this month we are going to think of all the things we are thankful for.
Kyla: More cereal please, mommy.
Me: What are you thankful for?
Kyla: I don't know.
Me: Being thankful is remembering the things that make us happy.
Kyla: Oh.
Me: So, what makes you happy?

Or she could say, "...big beautiful dresses that mom has to fix and mend and fix and mend
because I do things like this in them"
Wait, thankful, ok. Forgive me.
Here's one from me:
Too much cheek. Must dimple.
Kyla got another one yesterday:
"Snow flakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes...
...these are a few of my favorite things!"
What a great idea!