Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Cuties in my tummy.

While protesting bedtime, Kyla insisted she take a cutie clementine "ni-night" with her. I peeled it and said "why don't you put it in your tummy and bring it ni-night that way." I turned around for a minute and when I looked back she was stuffing them down her shirt. "They're in my tummy mommy."

I did need a good laugh tonight, that saved her from some harsher tones for sure. Little stinkin' girl. (Literally. She let one rip at story time - all the moms looked at her then at me. I just shrugged thinking "wait for it." Then the smell hit... what do I feed that girl!)

Daddy got her a scooter and helmet. Its just her favorite! Good job daddio!

And genuinely, I give a shout out to my friend Darcy who stopped by with fresh bread and dinner this afternoon and ended up taking Kyla swimming with her kiddos so Seth and I could take a much needed nap. I pretty much cried with happiness.

And a quick shout out for all those who have brought yummy dinners! Thank you thank you!

1 comment:

  1. Kyla is so blonde!! She's adorable, as is your new baby boy. I'm glad you got a much needed laugh and nap today!
