Saturday, July 2, 2011

B-Team Rejects

We attended our first Independence Day party of 2011.  Kyle helped fry a ton of Fry Bread and we had Navajo tacos. Yum!  Thanks Nielson fam for having us over! 

We were treated to a special performance by B-team Rejects. 
They were awesome and I have had Weezer covers running through my mind all night. 
The Kerksieck's brought a candy bomb, yes that thing shot candy way up in the air.  Believe me I've got a bruise from where the lollipop landed on my leg. 
 The kids had a great time gathering the candy, forget the pinata! 
Kyla has no trouble finding little boyfriends. 
She had never before met the boy on the right.  Oh my... She was holding his hand and leaning on his shoulder, and when I asked her new friend's name, she said. "My boy."  Yes she referred to him as "my boy" all night.  It was quite a hug she gave him when he left.  Kyle quickly stepped in and told her she can't hug boys anymore.  Now she is going to have a complex.  She was bummed we wouldn't let her hold a "sparkelly" but really she took it in stride.  We all had a great time! 

1 comment:

  1. I have to admit it sounds like you guys had fun but I was way sad you didn't come to the BBQ at the park. I was excited for you guys to meet Chris. Too bad, anyway happy 4th!
