Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Kyle told me one day recently that he didn't want Kyla to think its okay to lose.  "I don't want to have a loser for a kid!"  

I replied with such arguments as "Okay, but she can't win everything...It builds character to lose occasionally...We don't want a sore loser either...and so on"  This fell on deaf ears.

The next day Kyle played a softball game.  To salvage a little bit of his pride I'll simply say that they only played four innings, then he came home to drown his sorrows in a bucket of ice cream.  

 The next game was a bit better. They lost 5-24. Still ouch.

  Next game 18-25ish.  

Tonight 9-14.  

Its killing him to lose, but I am laughing my head off.  They are getting progressively better, and maybe improvement is more important than winning all the time.  I'll let you ask him.


  1. oh boy do brothers think alike and take the game so serious...hahahaha

  2. I love you. That is just about the funniest post I've ever read....LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!

  3. I feel bad for them a little only because they are losing so bad. Hopefully by the time the end of the season is here they will have a couple of wins. We'll keep our fingers crossed.

  4. Another amazing post! have you ever thought of publishing these on the world wide web! I bet you would get a lot of followers. They are so funny! Kyle is a great looser...at puerto rico. He is always willing to go one more game with the hopes of winning! We love that! And tell him there is no way any of your kids will be losers!
