Friday, July 8, 2011

Tornado in Rangely

Okay, this one's been in drafts since a week ago Tuesday - waiting for pictures.  Sorry, you're not gettin' any today, but let's still be friends.  Back to the post...

(Tornado in Rangely)

It sure felt like one.  We were innocently playing a horrible game of volleyball at the church when we were saved from the misery by a power outage.  The wind was out of control and I thought Kyla might blow away while we were getting to the car.  As soon as we buckled in and closed the doors... all was calm, all was bright.

I wish I had pictures of the damage.  Not one, but two areas of the road were blocked by fallen trees and a car port had fallen in on a cute little yellow VW Bug.  Shame!  Part of the roof of the college dorms was ripped off, and our brand new grill cover is blew by.  I'm sure it ended up in Nebraska or someplace far far away.  When I got up to the mesa I asked some neighbors if there was power.  Negative.

Kyla was so proud to have "fire" in the house when we lit our oil lamps.  We played with flashlights and lit a few candles, and prayed the power would come back before the house got too hot inside.  We were without power until about 11:30, about three hours.  It was a crazy fun night and a nice reminder how much I love, and am grateful for electricity.

1 comment:

  1. Crazy storm! Glad your're all okay. Hilarious post about your husband and winning!!
