Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Maybe now is not the time...

Two weeks after Seth was born I took Kyla to story time at the library. I came home with the following:

After starting each of them...

I took them back, but took a picture so that in 20 years, when my kids are grown, I can try again (I'm sure the baby signing book will be beneficial for grandchildren.)

Instead I went to Amazon and purchased these:

At least the material is more relevant to my current situation. I am determined that Seth will sleep through the night by 3 months and thanks to the Baby Whisperer feel I might be on track for that. I'll let you know. I recommend this Baby Whisperer who (I will warn you now) died in 2004 of Melanoma. I tell you this because when you read her book, you will want to call her and invite her to stay in your home. Then when you find out she's not around anymore you might feel like crying, because the conversational tone of her book made you feel like her close friend. She even referred to you as "Luv" and "Ducky" and your wacked hormones from recently giving birth will throw you. Be warned.

The most helpful parts of the book to me are about sleep and routines. The routine: E.A.S.Y. Eat, Activity, Sleep, and You time. (You mean I don't have to feed my child every hour??? Where were you with Kyla?) Also, there are some very helpful sleep suggestions. Everyone told me to put Kyla in her crib awake, but drowsy. This book explains how to successfully do this.


Today I also learned, that when my children both have yuck oozing out of their nose holes and they are acting cranky and sleepy, maybe now is not the time to leave the house as important as it might seem. Instead I can let them watch a movie and sleep.
...And take a few moments to blog.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Laryssa! I was so excited to find your blog and to hear about and see your little family and home! Your children are adorable! I'm so glad that you're happy and doing so well. Love you, Janeth
