Saturday, June 4, 2011

T-Shirt Refashion Numero Uno

Again, at Target I found something I loved. This time a shirt for Kyla.

This one wasn't even so expensive, but I wanted to try it myself. I had seen this cardigan at I Am Momma Hear Me Roar and wanted to try sewing knits. I had this old shirt that was dying, but I love the color so I couldn't bear to throw it out. Instead I cut it up. I used one of Kyla's shirt like a pattern. I left the original hem intact.
I used the existing sleeves but left extra room at the top to gather them.

I sewed the bodice pieces together at the shoulder seams.

I pinned the sleeves and then baste stitched the top so I could gather them.

Then sewed them on.

Then I pinned and sewed up the sides which also finished the sleeves.

Now for the collar. I saved the original collar and just pinned it to the inside of the raw edge...

sewed and failed. You can see how its poking out at you.

Take two, I gathered the front like the sleeves and just stitched around it twice.
This one turned out much better.

Now for the flowers. I cut a bunch of strips from the original T-shirt and rolled them.

I tried three different flowers and can't say I love how they turned out. I made them too big I think.

But Kyla likes her new shirt, and I love working with knits!


  1. You are so awesome, Laryssa! I would have just bought the shirt at Target and called it a day! Your way is much better.
