Sunday, May 1, 2011

Blow Out!

Here is a little multiple choice question for you:

What does "blow out" mean to you?

A. An exploded tire.

B. To extinguish, ex. blow out candles.

C. A leaky diaper

D. To succeed or conquer, ex. blew the competition out of the water.

E. B, C, and D, but not A - today anyway.

As you may have guessed, I will answer this little quiz with E.

Its true, I turned 30. My brother called and text and Facebook messaged me all day asking if I was crying, because he will be when he turns 30. Well too bad for you Bretter; 30 suits me well, or at least ok, really its not so bad...

I found a gray hair, not the first time, but I couldn't get it singled out to pull it, and I couldn't find tweezers. Finally, I announced, "I'm 30 now, let them come!"

I've loved reading about many of my friends turning 30! They've lost 30lb by 30, or blogged 30 days of bucket list type fun stuff, or ran a marathon... the list goes on. I have a two month old boy, so you could say I've lost 30 by now, but as far as the rest of it goes, its all I can do to stay awake for breakfast. And that's okay for me right now.

I guess the biggest concern for me is what I have to show for these 30 years I've been alive, and you know what, I'm not doing so badly:

Just look at this family. Love them!

My amazing friends completely surprised me with a huge surprise birthday party. They're good. I had suspected something, but they had put all the suspicions to rest by the time I walked in the door to a house full of people. We had chicken tacos with Cafe Rio style dressing. YUM! Then played Just Dance on the Wii.
They were nice enough not to light 30 candles on my cake, just three. The highlight of the evening? - My inability to successfully blow out 3 candles. Sad, I know.

Even though his mother doesn't, Seth definitely does know how to blow out. 5 times today. He had some nakey time at church today. You'd think I'd learn to have extra clothing on hand. My memory must be going; I forgot what this is like!

And the final blow out of this post. Blow out the competition! That's the goal. Thank you to everyone who has voted, and if you haven't, please go vote! My bedroom depends on it!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on turning 30, Laryssa! As far as I'm concerned, you're still just a baby. I did vote for you so I sure hope you win! Love you.
